The prime fuel of your body is glucose. It`s a simple sugar, known as blood sugar that supplies all our cells with the energy they need for functioning, healing, growing, and multiplying.

Glucose is the substance that keeps us going and alive. It allows the central nervous system as well as all the organs in the body – including the heart – to function. Glucose is used for muscle growth and functioning. It also performs other vital functions, such as repairing damaged tissues and cells.

When you eat food, the body decomposes it into glucose and sends it to the bloodstream, so it can move to each cell. But the body does not receive glucose directly. It needs some help from the pancreas, which is a large endocrine gland behind the stomach.

The pancreas continuously monitors blood circulation. When it detects an increase in glucose, it responds to it by producing the hormone insulin. Insulin attaches to cells and gives them a signal to open and absorb glucose from the blood. Thus, the insulin allows the cells to receive the necessary energy and ensures that the blood sugar level is stable.

If the blood contains more glucose than cells can consume – for example, if you have eaten a particularly rich meal, such as ribs in syrupy barbecue sauce (in other words, lots of fats with sugar) – the excess glucose will be stored in the liver and other tissues. For example in muscles, a compound called glycogen (meaning it is deposited there).

blue blood

Hypoglycemia and Blood Sugar

At some point, when glucose levels fall, for example between meals or during intense physical activity, the liver can release the stored glucose (glycogen stores) for cells to use. The pancreatic hormone glucagon (and the adrenal gland hormone adrenaline) has the most effective impact on glycogen breakdown. Glycogen stores in the liver begin to run out already a few hours after eating. It all works like this if the liver is strong and is functioning well. This is usually an effective system for optimal glucose utilization.

But it all starts to get out of balance when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin. It will also get out of hand when some cells no longer allow insulin to attach and stop opening the cell for glucose intake. This is called insulin resistance.

If one or both problems occur, the cells do not remove enough glucose from the blood. The body secretes some of the excess glucose into the urine, which can lead to more frequent urination, causing water loss in the body and can make you feel thirsty. If your pancreas does not produce enough insulin, and/or if you have insulin resistance, you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, which causes blood sugar levels to be high but not yet at the level of having diabetes.

healing foods and food supplements to balance your blood sugar


The predecessor of type 2 diabetes is fluctuating, yet low levels of glucose called hypoglycemia, which indicates a major problem in the ability of the body to handle glucose. This happens when the liver’s ability to store and release glucose is impaired.

This can also happen if you can’t have a light meal every two hours – a balanced snack, such as some fruits (sugar for potassium) and vegetables (for sodium).

Generally speaking, it is an unknown fact that type 2 diabetes and hypoglycemia begin from adrenal glands. If you have constant stress and you experience long-term difficulties in life, adrenal glands flood your body with adrenaline, a hormone that, in the event of a state of emergency, charges you with energy.

Though it is a beneficial reaction in case of sudden danger, it can lead to serious damage if you operate in a state of permanent emergency and cannot use up the corrosive adrenaline that your organs and glands are saturated with.


Blood Sugar and Emotions

If your eating is triggered by emotions, the pancreas produces insulin (a pancreatic hormone) that blends with the corrosive hormone adrenaline that is caused by fear (adrenal gland hormone), and this will, in time, make the body cells “allergic” to this hormone mix, which results in the inadequate production of insulin and it will stop somatic cells from accepting glucose. Food intolerances and allergies to certain foods can also be triggered by this.

When people live their lives exhausting themselves and feed their stress with fried and fatty foods, ice cream and cakes, etc., they will throw their pancreas out of balance.

If the liver must take on the effort of processing the excess fat that has been eaten, then food that contains a lot of, e.g. animal fats, can also make this organ lazy and unable to store and release glycogen as it should.

In addition to insulin, the pancreas also produces important enzymes that break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Without pancreatic enzymes (in the case of damage to the pancreas), we can not properly digest food and it will move through the body undigested, causing indigestion, nausea, swelling, and even diarrhea. On the other hand, if the pancreas is damaged, it doesn’t produce enough inhibitors either. Inhibitors are substances that prevent the enzymes from breaking down the pancreas itself. Lack of inhibitors creates even more danger to the pancreas.

Blood sugar imbalance shows that all three organs – pancreas, liver, and adrenal glands – are under heavy stress.


What are The Signs of High Blood Sugar, Prediabetes, And Type 2 Diabetes?

  • Unusual thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination – caused by the fact that the body uses water to excrete excess sugar.
  • Unclear vision – if you have a shortage of water, your body can drain water from the eye lenses to help flush out excess glucose.
  • Abnormal thirst – since cells do not have enough glucose for consumption.
  • Fatigue and irritability – because you don’t have energy that you would otherwise have if the cells were getting fuel normally in the form of glucose.
  • Digestion problems – if the pancreas is malfunctioning, then the pancreas does also not produce enough enzymes that would help break down the food completely. Food stays in the body, rotting.
  • Hypoglycemia – these blood sugar dips and low energy levels, which can occur every two hours, are caused by the weakness of the liver and the low activity of the adrenal glands.


What Kinds of Stressful Thoughts Lead to Blood Sugar Problems?


Just like it is difficult for people with diabetes to absorb sugar from food, it is difficult for them to embrace and accept love. Blood glucose problems are related to the feeling that there is no sweetness in life or there is too much sweetness in life because of someone’s suffocating attention. Diabetes refers to the inability to love oneself and/or others. Diabetes can also be a sign of trying to earn the love of others whilst forgetting oneself and one’s well-being. They should learn to think more about themselves.

The Feeling Of Being Not Needed Or Wanted

In children, diabetes may be caused by parents divorcing or arguing, or by the death of a close person. From the feeling that they have caused parental conflicts, separation, and that parents do not love them anymore. The feeling that they are not needed or wanted.

When diabetes develops at an older age, it is often associated with obesity and points to over-eating that is caused by the need to compensate for lack of love and care, as well as for the inability to accept love.


Often there may be anger if blood glucose level is imbalanced, anger that you must be responsible for yourself, you want to be loved, but not love back, be cared about without having to give anything yourself. People suffering from diabetes often feel emotionally isolated, sad, and lonely.


Anxiety and Fear

The imbalance in blood glucose is caused by anxiety and fear that comes from a lack mentality, that I don’t have enough assistance, skills, closeness, love, money, and so on. We have everything, which comes from the abundance mentality – that there is plenty for all. Often, the feeling that we are not worthy of happiness, money, love, support, and help has been coded into us, and we reject it even if it is offered.

We also often expect love from persons who are themselves struggling with a lack of love and who are also incapable of giving and receiving love.

Because the outside world is always a reflection of the inner world, we invite people similar to us into our lives, obtaining a mirror that reflects ourselves to us. Using this reflection, we could change ourselves and the situation. By learning to give to others, you will teach others to give to you.

Thus, to heal from diabetes, you must learn to love yourself, accept yourself as you are, share and receive love and you must learn self-approval and self-affirmation.

Problems with the pancreas are related to maintaining a balance in life – balance between giving and receiving, work and pleasure, fear and love. Self-love also means caring for your body. I care about myself and my body enough to pay attention to what I’m putting and not putting it into my mouth.


Affirmations – Sentences You Should Say To Yourself To Turn Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones

Here are some affirmations that you can tell yourself hundreds of times a day. But what works best is if you find a sentence for yourself that works for you.

  • “I’m ready to change my behavior and thinking.”
  • “I can change, I care enough about myself to work hard.”
  • “I’m ready to give up the need for excessive eating/alcohol / self-destructive mental states.”
  • “I’m surrounded by the love that I need so much.”
  • “I am valuable, and I value myself, even if others do not value me. I know my value.”
  • “Every moment is beautiful and worthy of appreciation.”
  • “I’m flawless and free from everything self-destructive.”
  • “I have so much to be thankful for.”


Foods to Avoid in Case of Blood Sugar Imbalance

It is worthwhile to reduce or, if necessary, exclude the following items from the menu:

  • Dairy products – cheese, milk, cream, butter.
  • Greasy fried and processed foods – fried potatoes, fried meat, etc.
  • Processed oils.
  • Carbohydrate-rich processed foods – ice cream, cakes, pies, pastries, etc. – especially foods that contain fat, sugar, and wheat flour together.
  • Excessive coffee and alcohol.

NB! The common misconception is that diabetes is caused by the high consumption of foods that contain a lot of sugar. Sugar is not the problem. What is a problem, is a combination of sugar and fat – but mostly fat. Fat puts a strain on the liver. For example, you can eat fruits all day every day and never get sick, it is just the opposite – eating large amounts of fruit is the most effective way to lengthen your life. Animal fats and sugars contained in processed foods and their combination weaken and exhaust the liver, adrenal glands, and pancreas.


Healing Foods That May Help Balance Your Blood Sugar

Choose ecologically clean fruits – apples, dates, grapes, mangoes, pears, berries, various green salads, vegetables, and root vegetables. Be sure to drink enough water for all the cells of the entire body to receive enough water.

The best foods for the pancreas, liver, and adrenal glands are:

  • Blueberries from the forest
  • Raspberries
  • Papaya
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Sprouts
  • Kale
  • Cinnamon

These foods fulfill various tasks. For example, they remove poisons from the liver, balance glucose levels, support the pancreas, strengthen adrenal glands, and stabilize insulin.


Supplements That May Help Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally

The following dietary supplements are recommended in the literature for supporting the pancreas, liver, and adrenal glands:

  • B-complex – increases the strength of the nervous system, reduces strain put on adrenal glands, and participates in converting glucose into sugar, meaning into the final product – energy.
  • Spirulina (9 superfoods) – helps to stabilize glucose levels in the blood and helps adrenal glands. Additionally, helps to bind toxins and to remove them from the body.
  • Zinc – supports the pancreas and adrenal glands and helps stabilize blood glucose levels.
  • Curcumin – curcumin has been proven to be effective in reducing the risk of diabetes, and it helps with almost all liver problems, including fatty liver disease and hepatitis.

Additionally, other supplements that lower blood sugar and support the work of the pancreas, liver, and adrenal glands:

  • Bioactive Vitamin C – calms and supports adrenal glands.
  • Ashwagandha – helps prevent adrenal glands from overreacting to fear, stress, and other strong emotions.
  • Cordyceps – restores gallbladder and liver strength so that they can better process the excess cortisol in the blood.
  • Fibers – in particular, increasing insoluble fibers is associated with a lower risk of diabetes and it has been shown that it reduces fasting blood sugar levels and moderately reduces HbA1c-d in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • Vitamin D3 – supports the pancreas and adrenal glands, reduces inflammation.
  • Magnesium – alleviates digestive problems caused by pancreatic dysfunction. It also calms stressed adrenal glands.
  • ALA, EPA, and DHA omega 3 rich oils – help to heal insulin resistance.


NB! The information provided here is for informational purposes only, so do not consider it as health care or medical diagnosis and treatment. Do not consider this information as a guarantee of the results you want to achieve. In addition, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional.

Even more, you should not use it to diagnose or treat a health problem. Before changing or discontinuing your existing medication, treatment, or care, or taking any dietary supplements, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional or doctor before starting any diet or program, or if you suspect you may have a medical condition.


Pictures: Pexels.com, Pixabay.com, Shutterstock.com


  1. Medical Medium Books by #1 NYT BESTSELLING AUTHOR Anthony William.
  2. Your Body Speaks Your Mind by Deb Shapiro (edanddebshapiro.com)
  3. Curcumin and Diabetes: A Systematic Review (nih.gov)
  4.  Supplements and Foods for Lowering Blood Sugar | ConsumerLab.com
  5. Turmeric Dosage For Diabetes (turmericforhealth.com)